Selling Your Property in Des Moines, IA? How to Create Irresistible Real Estate Listings

Selling Your Property in Des Moines, IA? How to Create Irresistible Real Estate Listings

Experts recommended listing homes for sale between April 16 and April 22, 2023. Why? They said that homes would sell faster and for higher prices.

If you missed that window, you can list it now. And you can still have good luck selling, especially if you create an irresistible listing.

Real estate listings can make or break a residential or commercial deal.

Creating a great listing involves thought and time. Continue reading to learn about the top elements it should also contain.

Accurate Details

When writing your listing, state all the details accurately. Start with location, including driving directions. Next, include the square footage of all the buildings and property.

If you're selling a commercial property, state the cost of your property insurance. If it's residential, list the taxes and home insurance rates. Buyers want to know these details.

The more information you offer, the fewer questions people will have. You don't want buyers to wonder about these basic facts. Instead, give them the details they want to know.

Captivating Property Description

Next, your listing begins with a real estate listing headline. This is the first thing buyers see and read about your property. Make sure it's captivating.

Make them want to see more details about the home after reading the listing's headline.

Next, work on the real estate listing description. This section is a few paragraphs long and provides the reader with the top details.

When writing it, consider the features that stand out about your home. What makes your home unique? What features would draw people to your home?

A real estate broker can help you incorporate the best adjectives to describe your house or property. The proper use of adjectives provides the reader with a captivating image of the property before they view it.

Professional Video and Pictures

A captivating listing also includes top-notch real estate listing photos. Additionally, it should include a professional real estate listing video.

You may need to perform some property maintenance or repairs before taking the pictures. The property should be of the best quality possible.

The Right Price

Finally, a great listing includes the right price. How do you determine the right price?

The first way is by speaking with a real estate broker. They'll help you decide.

Secondly, get a home appraisal. An appraisal tells you its value through experts. You can safely believe the price they offer.

Once you include all of these things, end with a strong real estate listing call to action. This last statement encourages readers to schedule a viewing to see your property.

Create the Best Real Estate Listings

Real estate listings attract or deter buyers from properties. You'll sell your property faster with a great listing, and you might get a higher price.

PMI Central Iowa offers real estate brokerage and property management services. We are a locally owned business in Des Moines and part of a nationwide franchise.

Our expertise and experience can help you with all your real estate needs.

Are you ready to create an irresistible listing for your property? Reach out to learn how we can help.
